It's not about just dropping prices to match consumers'diminished buying power.
互联网High inflation cuts the buying power of a currency over time.
互联网A falling dollar can trigger inflation, hurting consumers'buying power.
美元下跌可能引发通货膨胀, 损害消费者的购买力.
互联网Plus, currency control diminishes the consumer's buying power.
加上, 外汇管制削弱了消费者的购买能力.
互联网I work with a 50:1 leverage and go allways full buying power in the market.
互联网Inflation away at its buying power with the steady appetite of waves chewing at sant chiffs.
互联网It would give Chinese importers more buying power – potentially supporting prices in global commodities markets.
互联网Our target customers are the 25 - 35 year olds . They have a lot of discretionary buying power.
我们的目标消费群在 25-35 岁之间. 他们有很强的可支配购买力.
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